Financial Lessons from Ted Lasso

If you’ve seen the Apple TV show “Ted Lasso,” you may be like me and find it impossible to avoid being drawn into his incredibly funny and uplifting character. So with the recent release of Season 2,... Read More

Is Your Financial Goal Only a Wish?

Are you a goal setter? If not, it’s time to start daydreaming. What do you want your life to look like in five years…or in 25 years? A Harvard Business study found a direct correlation between goal se... Read More

New Benefits for Our Veterans

When it comes to finding a job, earning a degree, or receiving compensation, it’s worth noting there are new veterans’ benefits that many who have served our country, and their survivors, may not be a... Read More

So Who Has Your Password?

You’re so excited about your new website. After weeks of work, it’s just about ready to launch and the developer needs the credentials for your hosting service. That’s when you remember Larry.... Read More

Indiana’s Economic Future Looks Green

It begins with the state’s powerful past – a proud history of agricultural traditions, in which the state’s farmers have long been responsible stewards of the land, handing it down to future generatio... Read More

Take the Job or Unemployment?

Would you accept a job that was going to pay you less than what you could earn from collecting unemployment insurance? Many Americans have been facing this scenario as economies re-open from the COVID... Read More

Bonds: The Canary in the Coal Mine

Have you heard the expression about the canary in the coal mine? Canary birds were the first to react to unhealthy conditions in coal mines and served as a warning to the miners. Bonds can also be lik... Read More

Digital Transformation Post-Crisis

The business impact that COVID-19 has wrought on companies varies widely. The state of impact and business loss significantly correlated to the progress of a company’s digital transformation.... Read More