Stories Simply Sell Better
He was a successful engineer with a nagging problem. It haunted him during his commute, in the shower, and when his golden retriever woke him up at 3:00 a.m. for a quick trip outside. Never was it ...... Read More
He was a successful engineer with a nagging problem. It haunted him during his commute, in the shower, and when his golden retriever woke him up at 3:00 a.m. for a quick trip outside. Never was it ...... Read More
I spend a lot of time performing research for projects, and I’ve discovered that many of the companies that have the best information do the worst job of presenting it. They have the expertise, but...... Read More
Pardon me if I sound like a broken record, but I’m about to climb up on my soapbox, so don’t touch that dial! If that sentence made sense, you probably need to adjust the way you talk with colleagu...... Read More
Websites are living communications channels that change and evolve along with the companies and organizations for which they serve as an online presence. But there’s a difference between websites t...... Read More
Between your work computer and the Internet, you have access to tens of thousands of fonts. But you probably shouldn’t use more than a couple of them. Why?... Read More
You're acutely aware of the internal structure of your company, and the politics and complex challenges that spring from that structure. When a customer needs something, you mentally consider which...... Read More
When confronted with a portfolio of samples, intelligent businesspeople typically become less than savvy. They scan the contents, nod their approval, then point to an example or two and say, “I re...... Read More
I've stated many opinions in this space, but few are as likely to trigger a violent reaction as the headline of this article. Among many executives, mission statements are a sacrosanct cornerstone ...... Read More
Of all the phrases I've encountered in my career, few frustrate me as much as “dumb it down.” I usually hear it as a command (“This is technical, so can you dumb it down for our customers?”) or a p...... Read More
Idioms and foreign-language phrases can add color to your speech and writing and help you present a professional, knowledgeable image. Unfortunately, many people misunderstand or misuse those phras...... Read More