Making a Stronger Case for What You Do

What does your company do well? You probably try to promote your expertise through messages on your website, ads, or social media, but are your claims convincing? Instead of shouting about what makes... Read More

The Savvy Leader’s Secret Friend

As employees move closer to the top of the organizational chart, they discover perks and benefits that come with the added responsibilities of their new positions, such as better retirement plans, com... Read More

Often, ‘Rules’ Are Just Styles

Should items in bullet points be capitalized? Do they need punctuation? People often have strong opinions about matters like these, but most of the time, what they’ve come to see as rules are actually... Read More

Who Cares? Not Your Customers

You’ve spent six months getting your company’s new website put together, and now you’re ready to tell the world about it. That’s probably a waste of your time.... Read More