The right foundation makes new technology deployment a breeze

Making the decision to scale to a new technology can be terrifying for companies. Their leaders recognize the longer-term advantages the new technology offers, but transitions are rarely as smooth or problem-free as they hope -- and each hard-earned bruise lessens their appetite for what’s available next.... Read More

An easy way for young companies to outperform established competitors

Growing a company is never easy, and it’s not unusual for businesses in the post-startup stages to eye larger competitors with jealousy. Those bigger players have scaled to the point where they have deeper resources and better division of labor. How can the up-and-comers compete effectively if they can’t realistically access the same resources?... Read More

Turning knowledge management inside out

Most companies protect their secrets more aggressively than they protect the lives of their key executives. It’s been reported that only two people at KFC’s headquarters know the exact proportion of the eleven herbs and spices behind the Colonel’s original recipe. ... Read More

Bringing private-sector best practices to government service

Governments at all levels have always faced the challenge of making the most of limited resources, but in recent years, that challenge has been compounded by the consumer marketplace. A generation ago, constituents may have tolerated slow-moving bureaucracies with limited options for service.... Read More

Why you should keep callers from staying on hold

You need something or have a problem, so you call the handy phone number only to be told all agents are helping other callers, your call is ever so important, and it will be answered by the next available agent. Then you put your phone on speaker, set it down, and brace yourself for several minutes of music you’d never listen to voluntarily.... Read More